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Shine Together in Days of Love 2025

February 4 2025

3 Sky kids face the camera in greeting near Days of Love crystals

Our connections to each other can bring light to our lives, sometimes in ways we wouldn’t have thought possible. Days of Love returns, bringing something mysterious for Sky kids to discover together.

From February 10th through the 23rd, Days of Love sparkles and shines in Jellyfish Cove. An amethyst-colored meteorite will fall from the starry skies and land on the beach, and working together will be the best way to reveal its gifts to Sky kids!

Use certain emotes near the different clusters of the meteorite to see what effect they have, and you didn’t hear it from us, but you may notice different effects if you use emotes with friends. Take note of how the meteorite is affected—not only will that lead you to find what it holds, it’s a great way to gather Event Ticket Light, too!

3 Sky kids doing different emotes near crystals

Up to four tickets’ worth will come from the meteorite each day. For curious and intrepid Sky kids, keep a keen eye as you stroll and soar along the coastline because there are also 15 bow-shaped bonus Event Tickets located in the area to find throughout the event!

Use Event Tickets to unlock a new hairstyle and a crystal prop (perhaps once part of the meteorite itself?)—the prop even glows depending on what emotes nearby players use. Other mementos for this year’s event can be found in the in-game shop, and Spirits in Jellyfish Cove offer items from previous years for interested Sky kids.

A Sky kid wearing a meteor cape poses on top of a crystal next to a bow-shaped Event Ticket

In between meteorites and ticket searches, you’ll also find some of your favorite Spirits from last year’s Days of Love event waiting for you in Jellyfish Cove, too. Each pair of Spirits arrives in turn, each one reflecting the different relationships that bring light to our lives.

And what would Days of Love be without its traditional Double Hearts? Every Heart or partial Heart gift you give to friends through the Friendship Constellation or Friendship Tree during Days of Love will be doubled!

A Sky kid using their hands to make the shape of a heart in the water near crystals

Ultimately, it is the relationships we share that can make light shine in even the most unexpected places. This month, Days of Love celebrates all of those relationships and connections that bring a glow to our lives. We’ll see you in the skies—and in Jellyfish Cove!

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