Days of Music 2024: Melodies Across the Realms
November 19 2024
This year’s Days of Music is back and ready to take the celebration from Harmony Hall to Aviary Village and beyond. With revamped activities, features, and more, this year’s event brings new ways for Sky kids and their songs to take center stage!
Music Across the Realms
From November 25th through December 8th PST (UTC -8), a friendly event guide will be ready to greet you in Aviary Village and Home. They’ve been working with some friends to prepare a series of stages for Sky kids to perform on, each one placed in a different realm.
Talk to the event guide and they’ll teleport you to the performance location for the day. Each location provides a unique prompt—simply use that prompt as inspiration to create a song as simple or intricate as you’d like! Choose from one of the instruments provided nearby, and then record your tune using a Shared Memory.
These stages are also the perfect place to listen to other players’ musical creations. Browse through Shared Memories at the stage and you may even find inspiration for your next song (and if you find someone practicing an instrument or sharing their songs live, be sure to support them with a round of applause).
Musical Mementos
Four event currency can be forged each day from event currency Light. This can be gathered as you take part in the event's activities. Plus, 15 bonus event currency will be placed around Aviary Village for the duration of the event, so there’s no need to hurry to find them on the first day. Keep your eye out for musical symbols as you’re walking (or flying) around town!
With that event currency, you can unlock a new cape fit for a marching band. Other new and returning items can also be found in Harmony Hall—this year features a new outfit, plus a placeable piano and a Jam Station that will both remain permanently available even when Days of Music concludes.
About That Jam Station…
The Jam Station arrives as a placeable prop! Unlock this item and you’ll be able to compose, experiment with, and play back songs with up to four different parts in harmony.
But this isn’t simply the Jam Station you know from Harmony Hall or past Anniversary events. We’ve added a TON of features for you when you take it out into the realms.
For example:
・An updated UI makes it easier to edit each part
・Every instrument in the instrument section of your closet can be chosen as a sound for your Jam Station to use
・Instrument selections and patterns will autosave as you create your Jam Station tune
Tl;dr we hope you have your best dance emotes ready, because the tunes in Nests, Shared Spaces, and beyond will take Sky dance parties to a whole new level.
Days of Music is the chance for everyone, no matter their music experience, to share melodies and even create new memories with them. From the corridors of Harmony Hall to stages in Aviary Village and across the realms, Days of Music is an event to inspire and be inspired by. We’ll see you in the skies!
2024.11.19 Updated Jam Station description